Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Guest Post :: 5 Tips For Finding The Perfect Wedding Location

When planning a wedding there are so many decisions to be made: chocolate or vanilla cake, DJ or live band, bridesmaid dresses, buffet or sit-down dinner, but one of the most important decisions to make is where the weeding location should be. For today’s guest post Akshay is sharing 5 tips for finding the perfect wedding location!
Planning a memorable wedding is never easy. There’s a lot of things to get right to make the occasion worth cherishing for months. Choosing a perfect wedding venue is perhaps as important a decision as any other you’d encounter during the planning stage. The location matters because all others things depend on it and you can’t move ahead until you settled it first. In fact, planners too find this selection exercise to be toughest as it can make or break the success chances of the event itself. So, they work doubly hard to choose a venue that suits the occasion perfectly and serve everyone well.

Here are tips for finding the perfect wedding location -   

  1#     Keep a theme in mind 
Venue for any wedding has to be decided only after a theme is settled upon. You can’t start searching for a location that is not in sync with what either bride or groom has in their mind. A theme will propel you ahead on the right path and could narrow down the search in a big way. Whether to select a conventional or unconventional location, or a farmhouse or banquet hall, a sea-side resort or lush green place, it will all boil down to the theme.  

2#    Select a place with facilities
What purpose would it serve if you chose a wedding venue that is so remote and aloof to make logistics a hell? What if the location does not have facilities for catering, lights, music, tables, chairs and other amenities needed for any wedding? That’s why, it makes sense to select a place that is well-equipped to handle event of any scale and dimension. Only it can serve your tastes and preferences well, nothing else can!  

3#   Check the venue capacity   
A good venue is one that has well-equipped to handle the number of guests invited to the party. No matter how many guests are invited over, there has to be sufficient spaces and amenities to accommodate them all and cater to their needs in a smooth manner. Similarly, the place needn’t choke with the guests and rather give an impression of spaciousness. It must have ample of spaces for everyone to walk here and there freely.  

 4#    Get the wedding timing right
It’s highly likely that you may not get the best venue due to the cramped wedding schedules in the town. Venues are booked in months advance when the wedding seasons are on, so you got to think differently. Plus, even if you decided to plan in a busy season, you might have to cough up a lot more than off-seasons normally entail. So, if you could settle on a bit different timing, you would definitely end up getting a perfect location for the party. 

 5#   Know the layout
A good venue is one that suits your wedding style. It does not have to be a big barren patch of land chosen by an  event agency; rather it has to have well-designed spaces to serve multiple purpose with ease. There has to be green spaces, garden, rooms, dining areas, reception hall etc. so that all ceremonies could take place in a hassle-free manner.   


  1. Finding the right wedding spot will be the starting point in determining the other aspects of the ceremony like the theme and the colors of the wedding. The better the wedding location, the more dedicated they are to making your big day the most memorable of your entire life. There is some location for wedding in Boca Raton like The Addison, Pavilion Grille, etc., are the best places that everyone can afford. When selecting a wedding location, we need to keep in mind that people like their personal space so it is important you choose a location where all of your guests have plenty of room to sit down and be comfortable.

    1. Thank you for the informative comment - it was interesting to read!
