Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday Night Thought

Thursday, October 27, 2016

How To Look More Awake In The Morning

I am very guilty of having those nights where I toss and turn all night, have a million different things running through my head, stayed up a little too late finishing up a few things, or have simply made the bad but fun mistake of staying out too late when I have to get up early the next morning. Unfortunately for me even if I do not feel overly tired the evidence still shows up a little on my face.

I know for sure that I am not alone in the boat of not quit feeling/looking awake some mornings. I have noticed that depending on the time of the year {ah-hemmm…winter} society on the whole looks a bit more tired and not as fresh. For today’s post I thought I would share a few tips on how to look awake in the morning, even if you don’t feel awake.

Drink Water// throughout the day drink as much water as you possibly can. Water helps to hydrate our skin and organs which causes us to not only look more awake, but feel more awake

EyeDrops//Invest in some good eye drops that help to reduce redness in a timely manner, which I consider to be about 3 minutes or less

Store Your Morning Eye Cream in the Fridge// applying anything cold under your eyes for five minutes or a little longer will drastically help to reduce bags and puffy eyes. If you are not a fan of eye or facial cream you can also hold cold spoons or frozen peas under your eyes for five minutes to help reduce the puffiness

A Quick Splash// spritzing your face with cool water will help to revive your skin

Exercise// if you have time do a quick exercise to get you circulation flowing, even if it is just for 10 minutes it will still make a huge difference

Eye Makeup Color// the natural instinct is cover up as much as possible, but instead use brown instead of black eyeliner and choose a lighter shade of eye shadow and blush to look more fresh faced, then give yourself some color with a nice pink or read lipstick

Highlight// Use a cream highlighter to give yourself a nice dewy fresh skin look and create a natural glow

Curl Lashes// Curling your lashes gives your eyes the appearance of being more open and awake than they actually are

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kate Spade Surprise Sale

Wednesday just got a little bit sweeter! Kate Spade is having another surprise sale! I am loving the fact these sales have recently seemed to become a monthly occurrence; it’s the perfect time to treat yourself and get some early Christmas shopping done. Handbags, bows, sparkles, and everything nice here are a few of my favorite picks from the Kate Spade Surprise Sale. Happy Shopping!