The month
of April seems like it has crawled by at a glacial pace, but May horse races are
finally upon us along with Mothers Day. First up this weekend is the Kentucky
Derby, a long-standing Southern tradition.
I have
the horrible habit of always waiting till the last minute to figure out exact
what I am going to wear. Sometimes I even wait till the day of the figure out
what I am going to wear…it all depends on the mood…right? For most events I
usually wear a dress I already have {goodness knows I have way, way, way, too
many – I really like dresses…}. For big events I usually do buy a dress for the
occasion; there is nothing like waiting for a special occasion to pull out a
new dress to wear.
I am sure
there are a few people out there like myself who scramble at the last minute to
pull an outfit together. Incase you are on the hunt for a dress to wear to the
Derby this weekend here are a few of my favorite picks that would be perfect
for the event!