Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tips For Blogging

Recently I have received a decent amount of emails seeking advice for how to have a successful blog, what to do when starting a blog, and so on so I thought I would do a post to share a few tips on blogging that I have learned thus far.

Blogging is much more than just putting a post up on a regular bases and definitely involves more work than I thought it would when I first started my blog. I will admit I didn’t start my blog with the mind set that a lot of people would read it or that it would start to turn into basically a sort of business. For me personally when starting a blog you have to write what you are passionate about, make it something your yourself would want to look at, and make sure the blog reflects your own personality; by being yourself that is the best way to set your blog apart from someone else’s and in sense create a “brand” through your personality. If you start blogging with only the intention of having a “successful” blog and just concentrate on numbers and pageviews and compare your blog to other more established blogs you will more than likely quickly be discouraged; it will turn into a job and probably something you wouldn’t enjoy very much. When first starting a blog you have to define success in a different way such as: making it something you enjoy doing, finding a sense of fulfillment, creating relationships with other bloggers, etc.

I went into blogging with little knowledge on what it took to create a blog. I learned as I went for the most part and here are a few basic tips I have learned along the way thus far:
1.               Never be afraid to reach out to another blogger to ask for advice or create a blogger relationship of sort
2.             Be active on social media {facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter, etc.}
3.             Have social media buttons at the top of you blog page. The easier you make your blog to follow and access the better
4.             Comment on other bloggers blogs – this is how you get to know other bloggers and is also a good way to get you blog out there.
5.             Be sure to share your blog posts on your social media sites you have associated with you blog.
6.             Make you blog posts easy to share
7.              Post on a regular basis – this doesn’t meant you have to post everyday but be consistent with the days and times you send your posts live so your readers will know when to expect a new post
8.             Write meaningful content
9.             Make your blog personable
10.           Make sure blogging is something you enjoy

I have enjoyed the personal and business connections I have made through my blog so far and have found blogging to be a rewarding experience.  I hope this blog post is of help and answers some of the blogging questions I have received recently.


  1. Great tips! Thanks for sharing Lauren!

  2. Wonderfully written, definitely very useful, I have a fresh blog so reading this is very useful :)

  3. I totally agree with all your tips. Blogging should be fun for the writer so they should only post about what they feel passionate about!

  4. your tips are so great Lauren :) good to know I'm not the only one looking for advice!

    Makeshift Munch

  5. I think your blogging tips are fantastic, Lauren! sorry I haven't been able to stop by and comment lately which I love doing. there has been so much going on! I hope all is well! :)

    1. No worries! I hope everything is well with you :)

  6. great tips.

  7. Nice blog the tips which you shared here helpful for those who dont know anything about how to build a quality professional blog site ....I have gone through your blog fully and finally build a blog site as you mentioned here with the help of providers like first i choose domain name for my blog site and registered it with them for affordable cost .Then signed up for an wordpress hosting service which mainly helps us to build a amazing professional blog site as we wish ...WordPress Hosting from the above provider keeps our site running smoothly, even when our latest post goes viral, by automatically spreading traffic spikes across multiple servers. Plus, their advanced performance and security means our site is lightning-fast and our visitors are safe.The package includes free hosting service to host our blog site online ...
