When it
comes to appearances everything can be wrong: I can hate the outfit I’m
wearing, have no make up, have on an uncomfortable pair of shoes, and be fine,
but when my hair doesn’t feel right or I am just having a plain old bad hair
day my whole day goes off course and my mood is subpar.
I have
used the same leave in conditioner for years and years - it works so
fantastically I was never tempted to branch out. However, last week I was
forced to; the store I usually buy my leave in conditioner at no longer carries
it. I was out of leave in conditioner, no where in Nashville carries Evo LiquidRollers, luckily I was able to track some down on the internet, but in the mean
time I had to experiment to try and find a leave in conditioner stand in for
the time being.
Some of
you may think I am over reacting, but for those of you out there who have curly
hair you understand that the struggle is real…use the wrong product and a bad
hair day will descend upon you. Finding a good leave in conditioner to
temporarily take place of the one I normally use was definitely trial and
error. The first one I tried dried my hair out so badly, I was one step away
from looking like Ruby Sue from Christmas Vacation. Fortunately, on my hair car
adventure I found a few other wonderful leave in conditioners, below are a few
of my favorites!
I love a good leave-in. My favorite is Its a 10!
I really like Its a 10 and their conditioner is wonderful!