Monday, June 15, 2015

June Blogging Goals

For the past couple years May has seemed to be a slow blogging month due to all the obligations and festivities that the month of May brings. For June I have come up with some blogging goals for myself, which will hopefully help to better my blog and get back in to the habit of posting at a predictable time again
1.      Post at least one blog post every day
2.    Getting back to reading other blogger’s blogs – If you are ever in need of post ideas/motivation reading other bloggers blog is a great way to find inspiration
3.    Post at least one Instagram picture a day – Instagram is one, if not my most, favorite social media platform, and I only posted 12 pictures for the month of May… sad, I know.
4.    Gain more followers on Facebook – For me Facebook is the hardest form of social media for me to gain followers on. Lately I have been sharing links and other things on my Facebook to hopefully improve its appeal. If you have any Facebook page advice please let me know!
5.    Tweet more
6.    Pinterest – I love Pinterest, so much to the point where I probably need to clean up a few of my boards. I have 7.6K pins…
7.     Comment, Comment, Comment – I truly do love reading everyone’s comments and I appreciated every single one of my readers. I need to get back to replying to comments in a more timely fashion and commenting on other blogs.
Last, but not least, I value all of my readers opinions and suggestions. If there is anything you would like me to do a post about please let me know in the comment section of this post. Again, thank you to all of you for taking the time to stop my blog!


  1. Wow, blogging everyday is very ambitious! Hope you can keep your goals! :D

    xoxo, Colli

    1. I used to blog everyday, sometimes even twice a day, so I am hoping to get back to that!

  2. Hi Lauren, have a lovely week and all the best with your goals, it's always good to have a plan.
    Dusana :-)

  3. Great goals, I always struggle with blogging during the summer months because I get so busy and don't always have time to dedicate to it. I think if you set aside a specific time during the day you will easily achieve your goal!

    1. I agree there always seems to be so much going on in the summer and it is the time of year to be outdoors by the water!
