Thursday, September 12, 2013

How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes

My makeup brushes were in desperate need of a deep cleaning, so I finally found the time to clean them the other night. Cleaning your makeup brushes may seem like such a basic step to skip {I have done this many of times} but it actually has a ton of benefits: it prevents bacteria, oil, and dirt from getting trapped in the bristles, prevents those dreaded breakouts and clogged pores, plus cleaning your makeup brush keeps them in tip-top shape! It is also a good idea to spritz your brushes with anti-bacterial brush cleaner and wipe them on a clean towel after each use. As for how often to give makeup brushes a deep clean: once a week if you use them everyday and once every other week if you are not a frequent user of makeup brushes. Here is a step-by-step on how to clean your makeup brushes!
1.             Start by rinsing your brushes under lukewarm water, rinsing out all of the residual makeup. Only run the water on the actual bristles, avoiding the part of the brush where the handle meets the top of the bristles, glue will loosen over time if you run more then just the bristles under the running water.
2.            Put a very small amount of baby shampoo in the palm of you hand. Side note: I use Johnson & Johnson’s baby shampoo in the lavender scent, it’s a great brand and your brushes will smell wonderful after they are cleaned!
3.            Take one brush at a time and gently rub the brush in the baby shampoo.
4.            After you have gently rubbed each makeup brush in the baby shampoo, run each brush under lukewarm water, using your fingers to gently rinse out the shampoo
5.            Gently shake and squeeze the excess water from the brush hairs and lay them on a clean towel that is dry.
6.            One at a time, gently wipe each brush back and forth on the towel in order to get as much water out as possible.
7.             Lay makeup brushes flat on a cloth to dry.


  1. I love using baby shampoo for mine. I don't know why people buy the expensive cleaners when it does just the same job!

  2. Thanks for these tips, its a good help. You did a good job.

  3. Great tips, so important to clean your make up brushes to prevent break outs!

    1. It really is! I never realize how dirty my makeup brushes are until I actually clean them.

  4. Love this post! Could not have come at a better time. I literally cleaned my make-up brushes last night and wasn't sure if I did it right. Thanks for the tips.


  5. Just found your blog! I do this too and it definitely gets the job done. Can't wait to read more! :)

    1. I am so glad you've found my blog, I will definitely stop by and check out your blog!

  6. Thanks for sharing it with us, it really help a lot (: x

  7. great post thanks to sharing !

  8. I am thrilled to read your wonderful compliments! I would love to follow each other! Your blog brilliant as well!

  9. I'm always looking for good tips on brush cleaning, great post :)

    1. Thank you so much :) I am glad to hear you enjoyed this post!

  10. Glad this post was of help to you!

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