Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tips For Living With A Roommate

To be perfectly honest…living with a roommate can go either one of two ways: they will either be a really great roommate or they will be a not so great roommate, and I have experienced both. My first experience with a roommate was my freshman year of college, she was a lot of fun and super nice, but she was a little on the messy side and would frequently pull all nighters. I like to be super organized, have a clean room, I usually go to bed somewhere between 11pm and 1am but I like the room to be pitch dark when I go to sleep, so obviously my first roommate wasn’t a good match. I took a chance going into my sophomore year and went potluck, luckily it turned out to be a great match, we were roommates for a couple years! Then my last year of college I somehow lucked out and had a double to myself, which was pretty awesome! However, I had to make sure I didn’t turn into a hermit; I planed lunches, dinner, and other social things ahead of time, spent more time in the student center, and so on. So whether you are in college or live in an apartment here are some helpful tips for living with a roommate.

 1. Define “clean” and make a chore chart: Distribute dorm room/apartment cleaning {trash duty, vacuuming, dusting, dishes, etc} and write them down on a sheet of paper then hang up the chore chart where it is visible. Talk to your roommate(s) about which chores you and them don’t mind doing and trying to delegate them that accordingly.
2. Set Boundaries: The first day you meet your new roommate sit down and have a conversation about each others background, likes and dislikes, get to know each other. Set up an agreement for cleaning and other responsibilities, set personal boundaries. Check in with each other every now and then to see how things are going and if anything needs to change
3. Conflict Resolution: Go ahead and address the little problems before they turn into a bigger issue. When address an issue do so in away where it is civil and does not put the other person on the defense and create an momentarily awkward living situation. It is always easier address an issue when it is still small.

 4. Start with a clean slate: Everyone in the shared living space is on an equal level and gets an equal say in what goes on and how things should be run. Create a good situation from the start.


  1. these are great tips - I definitely practiced these my first two years of college!

    1. Me too! I wish I would have practiced the "define clean" & cleaning chart one my first year of college, but it was still a good time & a great learning experience!
