Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Guest Post :: Low Self-Esteem & Dating Issues


In a culture of reality TV, modern day sitcoms that falsely portray how a relationship should look, and being able to search for a date at the swipe of a figure, literally, this culture has fostered self-esteem and dating issues for a good number of people out there. In my experience you should never look for happiness in someone else, but rather find it in yourself and joy in your life then eventually you will stumble upon someone who respects and appreciates you for the person you are, and adds to your happiness.

Peter Minkoff has been so kind today to guest post and share a few pointers on how to find love for yourself in all respects, how to side step sounding insecure {as a side note all people are a little nervous when entering into a new relationship, but the important thing is to stay true to yourself},  and tips to develop a healthy relationship.

Low self-esteem is probably one of the biggest issues in today’s relationships. It has been shown that people with such an issue put much more effort into relationships, which is absolutely okay. However, at the same time, they can be too clingy and needy, and this is what can negatively affect the relationship. So, in order to help you achieve a healthy relationship and feel good about yourself, we have prepared the list of advice on how to cope with self-esteem and consequent dating issues.

You deserve love

How often have you thought that you don’t deserve love? Probably hundreds of times, but you’re not alone since this is one of the most widespread beliefs among people with low self-esteem. However, this is a huge mistake and if you don’t believe in yourself and in how much you are worth, there is no way that your partner will see you differently. So, it’s high time you embraced all your possible flaws because once you start loving yourself, others will start to as well.

Make yourself a priority

Another important step on the journey to high self-esteem is that you make yourself a priority. You may feel as if you should constantly abide by your partner’s wishes in order to keep a relationship going, but you’re absolutely wrong. No one will respect you if you don’t respect yourself first. So, next time make sure to express how you feel about something and what you would like instead of just listening to your partner’s wishes. Remember that only when there is equality in a relationship, we can say that it’s a healthy one.

Be Confident

Intimacy is a very important part of every relationship, so make sure to be confident in this domain as well. Thus, if you want to be relaxed and feel confident, you must start loving yourself and accepting all your imperfections. The moment you start feeling comfortable in your own skin, the more attractive you will be in his eyes. Generally, women worry about how to make the first move even when they just want to ask a guy out for a cup of coffee. You may even discover that you truly enjoy being the initiator.

Don’t hold onto the past

Another sign of low self-esteem is holding onto the past and comparing your present relationship with the old ones. So, just stop doing it! Even if you have passed through some tough breakups and had bad experiences with guys, this doesn’t mean you should transfer this negativity to your present relationship. Not only will you stress yourself out, but your partner will notice your lack of confidence as well. Remember that low-esteem is simply not sexy. 

Be positive and don’t stay in bad relationships

Does it seem to you that you only attract negative people? Well, you’re maybe right. But, the question is how to change this? The answer is quite simple – stop being negative. Positive and confident people attract other happy people, so in order to break a vicious circle of bad relationships, you have to change your perspective on life first and embrace a more positive approach. Furthermore, in order to achieve this, you mustn’t stay in a bad relationship. Remember that no confident woman would stay in a relationship where she doesn’t feel loved, respected and valued, so make sure you follow in her footsteps.

As you can see, the path to self-confidence contains many steps and tasks you have to fulfill. However, once you start feeling good about yourself, all issues will simply disappear since the key to being loved and respected is that you love and respect yourself first. 


  1. This is a really nice post! Relatable on so many levels. Thank you for sharing! x


  2. Replies
    1. Thank you - Peter always does such great guest posts!

  3. Oh, already the pictures are so super lovely!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
