Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars

If you all follow me on Instagram you know that I started reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green back in February. I was finally able to finish The Fault In Our Stars a couple weeks ago. I wish I had more time to read, for me there is no better way to unwind at the end of a day than to put on some comfortable pajamas and curl up in bed with a good book.

Incase you have yet to read The Fault In Our Stars it is about a teenage girl, Hazel who has terminal cancer, but luckily a tumor-shrinking medicine has bought her a few extra years. Hazel meets Augustus Waters at a support group, who soon changes her life and helps to rewrite her story.

In all honesty The Fault In Our Stars has a really good story line and is one of those books that is hard to put down. During the process of reading this book I smiled, laughed, cried, and thought about some things - all signs of a good book. I really like the author’s style of writing and the way he was able to capture each character’s emotion. Green seems to have so perfectly capture the feelings and the different emotional stages a family who had a member with cancer would be going through.

I know I am probably going to catch some flack for the next thing I am about to say…as good as the books was the story and outcome were a little on the predicable side. Granted this books deals with the topic of cancer and star-crossed lovers, but being the eternal optimist I really wish the book had a different ending, but then again by the third chapter I knew exactly how the story would end. I have heard so many great things about this book and have heard that it is one of those books that would change your perspective. Maybe I’m missing something or maybe my expectations for this book were too high because I have heard so many great things about it. I have read perspective-changing books and for me The Fault In Our Stars, although it’s a great book, it wasn’t a perspective-changing book for me.

I would definitely recommend reading this book and although it wasn’t a perspective-changing book for me it could be for someone else. I think the main thing I got out of this book is even though we encounter undesirable obstacles/experiences throughout life it is in those moments that we have to find some humor and motivation to get through/fight it and be thankful for what we are given. Another thing I got from this book is how valuable time is; sometimes I feel like I couldn’t do everything I want to do in one life time, I can’t imagine how the concept of time rapidly running down on you would feel at the age Hazel and August are in this book. Reading The Fault In Our Stars is one of those books that did make me feel thankful for my health and my life. Overall The Fault In Our Stars is a good read. 


  1. This sounds like an amazing book. It's been too long since I read a novel. I've mostly been reading history and health books. But now I want to read this one...thanks for the review! :)

    xo Azu

    1. It is a pretty good read, hope you enjoy it!

  2. This book has been at the top of my list for a while! Great review :)

  3. It's a nice review! But i don't really read books :P!

    XX Nora /

    1. I love reading books, but I have a sister who is not a big reader so I understand where you are coming from.

  4. I read the book about a year ago, or something like that. And while it is a really good book, to me it wasn't as great as other people said it was. I did enjoy it, though. But I agree, I think my expectations for this novel were way too high based on the buzz it got. However, it is a good read with an inspiring message, and I think others should give it a try. Good review!

    1. It is a good read and it has a great message to it, but I have to say I was a little disappointed in it but I think my expectations were just too high for this book. Happy to hear you enjoyed this post!

  5. I have heard how predictable this book was for a while...which is disappointing and probably the reason I havent read it yet...I love Green's style though. One of my favorite books of all time is "Looking For Alaska" by him!!! You have to check that one out!!!

    Love Always,

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, I will have to look into "Looking For Alaska"

  6. I read this book all in one morning! I could NOT put it down! I am so excited for the movie in June!

    1. The Fault In Our Stars is definitely one of those books that is hard to put down! I bet the movie will be really good!

  7. Thanks a lot for showing this book here. As I'm a huge reader I'm always looking for new stuff and this book sounds really interesting :)

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. You should check this book out! Glad to hear you enjoyed this book review!

  8. wann read that book for so long! Have a great day. :)

    I AM ALSO ON: Instagram @kennydaily, Bloglovin and Facebook (i follow back, just let me know your links)

    What Kenny Hearts a Lifestyle Blog

  9. My sister has this book and I never gave it much of a thought. After reading your post, I just might give it a try :) xx Maja

    1. Despite the fact that it is not a perspective changing book it is a pretty good read!

  10. I haven't read this book before, probably I can find it in the local stores:) Sounds like a nice thing to read;) Thank you for the recommendation!

    1. Any time :) Happy to hear you enjoyed this post!

  11. I've heard a lot of good things about this book. I might read it soon! I'm a terribly slow reader as well, though! Life just doesn't leave a lot of time for things like that :)

    1. I really wish I had more time to read but being busy is a good thing! You would like this book, it's a decently fast read and has a good story line to it.

  12. I'm so glad you did an honest analysis of The Fault In Out Stars because I haven't had time to get around to it and I was very interested to know if it would be worth my time/ money, I'll have to give it a try! Great post :)

    1. Happy to have helped! Glad you enjoyed this post!

  13. Thanks for the honest post. I've heard so many great things about the book but for some reason it just doesn't feel like 'my cup of tea.' It was nice to get someone else's different perspective on it.

    1. It was a good book, I think my expectations were just to high for it and I always prefer a happy ending.

  14. Awesome book review! I'm an optimist too, I usually read uplifting books/stories. Same with movies, I always prefer the comedy over drama. However, I can see that you can learn a lot from
    an honest sad story. I agree we always take our time and health for granted. I hope you are having a great week.

    1. I hope you are having a great week as well Nora!

  15. I LOVE this book! I read it over the summer and once I started reading it I couldn't put it down! I read it in like two days.

    1. It is definitely a book that is hard to put down!

  16. thank for your review, i'll definitely check this book out

  17. I didn't love it the way everyone else seems too, but I agree with you that it's worth the read
    Wear It Better

    1. It is worth the read, but I agree with you, I didn't love it as much as everyone else did.

  18. Happy to hear you enjoyed this post!

  19. I thought it was a nice, easy read. There were definitely some parts I liked, and other's I could have lived without (the whole going to Amsterdam thing). It also didn't resinate with my like other books have, such as The Help, or Still Alice (one of my absolute favourites, and one of the only books I've ever read multiple times).


    1. I will definitely have to put Still Alice on my have to read list, anytime someone reads a book more than once is a wonderful sign! I agree, The Fault in Our Star is a nice/easy read but there are some parts I could have done without as well.
