This week has without a doubt been one of the weirdest weeks ever. Honestly, the news and social media is so easy to get sucked into right now, but at the same time it has given me a little anxiety. When it became obvious early on that this election was going to be a controversial one, I made a strong point to keep my opinions to myself, and in full transparency I am not someone who is super into politics and I do consider myself to be an “independent” {aka I vote for which ever candidate I think is best for the job}.
I do have to say this though… I’ve noticed on various social media outlets and blogs that people have in so many words been shaming those of the opposite political party {democrats or republican}, and I find it a little bothersome. I will admit that I am disappointed in the way various elements of the election have been/are being handled, but I think how people are behaving on the internet is the most disappointing. From my personal perspective, shamming someone for being of a different political party than you is up there with trying to shame someone because they are of a different denomination or religion than you {which isn’t okay at all}. At the end of the day we are one nation under God and it seems the reason we continue to evolve on a personal growth basis is by being open to understanding and respecting other’s views and thought process, not by viewing ourselves as “intellectually superior” because of our political beliefs or viewing our political views as the “right one”. Just something to think about…
Now, onto something a little more fun! Here is a roundup of all my favorite links from the week!
One// Sarah Flint Natalie Flats
These have hands down turned into one of my favorite pair of flats of all time. I love how they fit, the pointed toe box, overall design, and the fact that they mold to your feet over time, plus, I love all the different colors and designs available! Use code: SARAHFLINT-LAURENK at checkout to receive $50 off your first Sarah Flint order!
Two// American Girl Doll Courtney 1986 Doll
Okay… So, I honestly don’t know if I should be super exited or a little insulted that American Girl came out with a doll from the exact same year I was born… I love the sense of nostalgia all here clothes and accessories bring about. I was only a new born in 1986, but the 80’s definitely bled over into the early 90’s and I can so remember having a ridiculous amount of Care Bears and playing Pac Man at the local Pizza restaurant. If I had a daughter, I would 100% get this doll for her.
Because, who couldn’t use a little Christmas spirit right about now?! I just watched this movie the other night on Netflix and it is so cute, fun, and relatable. A great mental escape from everything that is going on!
Four// J. Crew Wool-Blend A-Line Skirt
J. Crew and J. Crew factory have been having a ridiculous amount of great sales lately and I am so spoiled now. I am such a sucker for anything plaid and this buffalo plaid skirt is just perfection. Plus, it’s on sale right now for just 36.50!
I am hoping on the train that is embracing the Holiday season early this year! This holiday mugs are too perfect for hot chocolate and just so precious.
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