Thursday, November 27, 2014

Black Friday Shopping Guide

The day after Thanksgiving is the official start of the holiday season, it is 100% acceptable to start playing Christmas music {I started listening to Christmas song at the start of November}, it’s time to trim the tree, and of course by Christmas presents for those important to us. Black Friday starts in just a few hours and is the opportune time to get that Christmas shopping out of the way, and maybe even treat yourself to a few things.

Personally I avoid the craziness of Black Friday till later in the day when the crowds have dies down; I honestly prefer cyber Black Friday where I can shop from the comfort of my own bed! I have to say though I do have a certain admiration for those who are brave enough to venture into the stores early on Black Friday. To help out with the Black Friday shopping that is just a few hours away here are a few fabulous Black Friday deals!


  1. I already started my black friday shopping from the comforts of my bed with my PJs on! Thanks for this list, it's very helpful!

    1. Shopping from the comfort of ones bed on black friday is without a doubt the best way to hit up the sales in my opinion!
