Tuesday, June 22, 2021

30 Days of Yoga

 Since yesterday was international yoga day {is there now an international day for everything?} I thought it would be a good opportunity to share about my 30 days of yoga. One night, through my journey down the rabbit hole that is YouTube I came across different 30 day challenges, yoga being one of them, and thought why not give it a try… Its relaxing, low impact, and a good way to get in shape – seriously can’t lose in taking part in this challenge.

I think it is fair to say that covid took a toll on everyone’s fitness/health life, either physically or mentally, and yoga does such a great job of addressing both of those issues. If you haven’t given this form of exercise a try yet, I highly recommend! I promise, it is much more than stretching… not sure why some people even think that yoga is just stretching… but you never know till you try!


I am currently on day fourteen, so a day shy of the halfway mark, and I can already tell such a difference. I weighted myself the first day I started the 30 day challenge, but haven’t weighted since, so I can’t say if I have gained or lost weight {saving that for day 30}, but I can say that I have noticed that my clothes lay slightly nicer than they used to. I can also say that I have noticed a positive change in my arms and I sleep sooo much better at night!


There are so many YouTube exercise videos that make doing a yoga challenge so extremely easy to do, day or night, just which ever fits your schedule best! Here are the videos I have been using!


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