Thursday, September 28, 2017

Dream Dressing Room

Dream Dressing Room

Dream Dressing Room by atouchofsoutherngrace featuring a crystal ceiling lamp

I have a bit of an old soul and when I was invited to take part in a campaign to craft a mood board to create my ‘dream dressing room’ I jumped at the chance. Psssttt...ummm can I just take a second to mention that Arhaus living room furniture is simply scrumptious! I have a pretty decent size walk-in closet, but wouldn’t actually consider it a ‘dressing room’ and I have to admit as far as I can remember I have never actually seen a something in a house, as of yet, that I would consider a dressing room but if I were a betting person I say they would be a pretty amazing thing.

The first thing I thought of when I heard the phrase dressing room was a 1950’s/1960’s movie which is most definitely up my alley. If I ever did have the luxury of having a personal dressing room one day I would have floral wallpaper, a chandelier that gave a nod to the 1920’s era and a few beautiful floor length mirrors, I mean honestly – is there ever such a thing as too many mirrors? I have always wanted a old-fashioned French inspired vanity complete with a velvet stool, gold picture frames, makeup brushes to the hearts content, candles, and a few rows of lipstick. Then to really throw a little bit lusciousness into the mix a powder pink velvet chaise lounge. It almost goes without saying that I would have an array of dresses, long necklaces draped over different objects here and there and jewelry trays dotting the room. Fashion coffee tables books would be a must along with a selection of fragrances. And as for the shoes and handbags…well for that I would have to channel my inner Carrie Bradshaw… I feel like if she had a dressing she would have a wall of antique bookshelves to proudly display her shoes and handbags.

What is your dream dressing room?


  1. You know, a dressing room just for yourself is a luxury because it is ONLY your's. You can make it any way you like, like a fashion salon or a boho chic shop. Made to measure bars for your trousers, fitted shelving for shoes, vitrines for precioous handbags, and all that stuff. It's worth it !!!!
