Sunday, August 16, 2015

Tips For Shopping The Lilly Pulitzer Sale

Try to keep calm…the Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale starts tomorrow morning! Ok, now you can get excited. I always hate to see summer come to an end, but the Lilly Pulitzer that takes place at the end of each summer softens the blow a little bit. When else can you get a Lilly dress for 50%-75% off the original price? The Lilly After Party Sale is always a little bit of a mess, you might even find yourself saying “oh shift” a couple of times, so to help make your Lilly After Party Sale shopping experience a little bit more enjoyable here are a few tips for shopping the sale:

1.               Create an account before shopping the sale {it would probably be a good idea to go ahead and create one tonight – one less thing you have to do tomorrow}. Make sure your shipping address and credit card information are correct.
2.             If your already have an account double check and make sure all your information is up to date before the sale starts
3.             Get online early – the sale usually starts around 7am or 8am.  
4.             The site might crash a few times in the morning due to the amount of people that are using the site. Don’t be alarmed if this happens the Lilly company in the past has been very good at getting the site right back up and running
5.             Buy as you go. There is a “virtual line” when shopping the sale; just because something is in your basket does not mean it will stay there. Be sure to secure your items and buy a few items at a time as you go.
6.             Have fun – it is only a sale.


  1. I'm hoping that it won't be completely picked over by the time I get home from work! Good luck, hope you get everything you want!

    1. They seem to have a pretty big selection this year - I am sure there will be plenty left by the time you get home!

  2. I've been hearing all about this sale! I have to check it out :)
